带你走进calendar year和fiscal year -凯发官方手机版下载

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在翻译过程特别是在处理财报过程中,经常会出现calendar year和fiscal year,今天就来分析一下这两个词有何区别:

1.calendar year日历年或自然年(也可用natural year),指一年的开始至一年的结束,即从1月1日到12月31号。天数不定,有365天和366天两个选择,365天占大多数,闰年366天。如2012年日历年,指的就是阳历2012年1月1日至2012年12月31日。接下来看一下该词的英文释义为:a calendar year is a one-year period that begins on january 1 and ends on december 31, based on the commonly-used gregorian calendar.


(1)the governing board shall meet in ordinary session at regular intervals, at least once every calendar year; it shall meet in extraordinary session if summoned by the chairperson, either on his/her own initiative or at the request of the director-general of unesco.


(2)at the end of the first calendar year of a budget period any unencumbered balance of appropriations shall be carried over and remain available for expenses in the following year, as authorized by the director, division of management and administration.


2.fiscal year财年(一般也被称之为会计财务年度),是指财政年度,又称预算年度,是指一个国家以法律规定为总结财政收支和预算执行过程的年度起讫时间。在我国一个财年是从每年的一月一日到十二月三十一日;国际上也有国家是从每年的六月一日到第二年的五月三十一日,以及从每年的九月一日到第二年的八月三十一日。美国政府的财年是从十月一日到九月三十日,但美国很多企业的财年是从七月一日到六月三十日。例如,2010财年是从2009年10月1日就开始了,直到2010年9月30日。

为了更好的理解该词,其英文释义为:a fiscal year is a one-year period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting. a fiscal year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. although a fiscal year can start on january 1st and end on december 31st, not all fiscal years correspond with the calendar year. for example, universities often begin and end their fiscal years according to the school year.


(1)the remuneration system concerning the analyst/s author/s of this report is based on multiple criteria, including the revenues obtained by bbva and, indirectly, the results of bbva group in the fiscal year, which, in turn, include the results generated by the investment banking business; nevertheless, they do not receive any remuneration based on revenues from any specific transaction in investment banking.


(2)based on the underlying sales for the fiscal year being down 9 to 11 percent, underlying sales for the second through fourth quarters of fiscal year 2009 are expected to be down 11 to 15 percent on average, with net sales for those periods down 16 to 19 percent on average.

基于本财年的基本销售额下降 9% 至 11%,预计 2009 财年第二至第四季度的基本销售额平均下降 11% 至 15%,而净销售额平均下降16% 至 19%。

除此之外还有:business year经营年(一经营性机构内部规定的任意12个月区间);学年:academic year(学校所采用的特殊记年,如:上一年9月1日至来年6月30日)等等。

发布于 2021-05-26 17:37:45

